Publication: Living & Breathing.
This was a zine and event that celebrated 20 years of Patagonia in New York City 95–15. A somewhat unexpected cohabitation and co-existance between the outdoors brand and the people living in NYC. One that continues to thrive with enthusiastic energy, growth, and mixed accents.
Specs: (116 pages, 6×9")
Perfect bound. Offset printing on uncoated 100% post consumer recycled stock. CMYK plus one spot color (PMS 805), a gesture to the fluorescent lights and people.
Credits: (Editor In Chief) Yasha Wallin; (Retail Marketing) Danielle Egge; (Art Director) Scott Massey; (Illustration) George Bates, Brian Willmount, James Victore; (Publisher) Patagonia; (Production) Jennifer Patrick & Rafael Dunn; (Printer) Prolific in Canada.
Awards: PRINT’s Regional Design Awards 2016 (Best of the West).

Captions: (1) Timmy O’Neill tries his Spidey Sense as Jeff Johnson captures the scene; (2) A warm letter of gratitude from Stanley to NYC; (3) Front of book, bold and beautiful just like the place; (4) Section openers use a diptych strategy to show two sides of the city; (5) The guts of the zine is full of history from the employees, activists, and ambassadors that helped establish the flagship store; (6) Additionally we call on several artists, writers, and photographers to add the cultural diversity and attitude that makes NYC so electric.

︎︎︎ All work ©Nohawk, LLC 2023.